Kritik des Fundamentalismus

Srećko Horvat


(Per)versions of Fundamentalism: What We Talk About When We Talk About Fundamentalism?


With the recent debate on the planned mosque near Ground Zero the question of „fundamentalism“, whether we think of the Muslims who try to build their islamic center near the September 11 memorial or the pastors who as a way of protest intended to burn the Qur'an, was raised once again. Although we all believe to know what we talk about when we talk about „fundamentalism“, after 9/11 and the implementation of the Homeland Security doctrine, this term is more and more subject to various interpretations and misinterpretations. Starting with the definition of fundamentalism as such, and moving towards the arbitrariness of the term, the lecture will try to investigates all (per)versions of the current War on Terror and its counterparts in Europe, from Germany to Great Britain. Nowadays „fundamentalism“ isn't limited only to terrorism anymore, but extends to all spheres of live. A wide scope of references (from Michel Foucault to Alberto Toscano) and striking examples (from Yugoslavian concentration camps to the case of Andrej Holm) point in the direction that we should abandon, or at least examine the prevalent notion of „fundamentalism“.


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2010-11-17 17:00:00


2010-11-17 19:00:00


Horvat Srećko

Srećko Horvat ist ein kroatischer Phi



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