Tatiana Shchyttsova, geb. 1970, Dozentin und Leiterin des Zentrums f?r philosophische Anthropologie an der Europšischen Humanistischen Universitšt Minsk (Belarus), 1987-1992 Studium an der Belarussischen Staatlichen Universitšt Fakultšt f?r Philosophie, 1993-1995 Mitarbeiterin am wissenschaftlichen Laboratorium am Nationalen Institut f?r Geisteswissenschaften, 1997 Promotion mit der Arbeit Existenzphilosophie als die Ontologie des Menschseins: Pascal, Kierkegaard, Bachtin, seit 1994 Dozentin an der Europšischen Humanistischen Universitšt, seit 2000 Herausgeberin der philosophisch-kulturologischen Zeitschrift Topos
Ver?ffentlichungen: Zur Quellen der existenzialen Ontologie: Pascal, Kierkegaard, Bachtin (1999); Ereignis in der Philosophie Bachtins (2002).Tatiana Shchyttsova
Curriculum Vitae
January 23, 1970 Minsk, Belarus
Professor of Philosophy, European Humanities University (Vilnius)
Head of the Center for Philosophical Anthropology (EHU)
1987–1992 Studying at the Belorussian State University, Diploma in philosophy
1993–1995 Research fellow, the National Institute for Human Sciences (Minsk)
1997 Doctor’s degree at BSU (thesis: «Existential Philosophy as the Ontology of Human Being: Pascal, Kierkegaard, Bakhtin»)
1996 (two months) Scholarship of the Kierkegaard Library
(St. Olaf College, Northfield, USA)
1999 (one months) Scholarship of the Kierkegaard Library (USA)
1999 (one month) Research fellow, Bakhtin Center, University of Sheffied
(sponsored by Soros Foundation)
2001 (two months) Scholarship of the Kierkegaard Library (USA)
1999 (two months) DAAD scholar at the university of Tübingen
2002 (three months) DAAD scholar at the university of Freiburg
2005 (six months) DAAD scholar at the university of Wuppertal
1994–2004 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,
European Humanities University (Minsk)
2004 — til now Professor of Philosophy, European Humanities University (Vilnius)
1996 — til now Head of the Center for Philosophical Anthropology at the
European Humanities University (Minsk/Vilnius)
2003–2006 core resource person in the Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching "Contemporary communicative philosophy and communicative strategies in philosophy teaching" at EHU
2008 Habilitation at the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow
(Dissertation: «Birth and Relation between Generations from the Perspectives of the Existential-Phenomenological Philosophy»)
2007–2008 Scholarship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Prof. Dr.
Schtschytzowa, Tatjana
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